Cada año, la misma duda de qué regalar sin caer siempre en los regalos obvios o más socorridos. Por eso, el cuarto y último post especial Navidad (y también el último del año en el blog) va dedicado a que podáis coger ideas con las que sorprender a vuestros allegados y acertar de pleno.
Para beauty lovers
¿Te desespera tu cabello? ¿Todos los días te levantas con un mal día capilar? El regalo perfecto para la temporada navideña es el Cepillo regenerador capilar, el nuevo producto de REDENHAIR diseñado para frenar la pérdida de cabello y estimular el desarrollo de los folículos pilosos para un crecimiento capilar sano y fuerte. Actúa difundiendo una gama de emisiones infrarrojas (LED) con un diseño especial de longitud de onda que es capaz de mejorar la circulación sanguínea y acelerar el metabolismo.
Utiliza infrarrojos (LED) y micro-vibraciones que generan un masaje para dosificar el líquido regenerador contenido en el mismo cepillo hacia los folículos pilosos. Es un dispositivo inalámbrico y se puede cargar fácilmente a través de un puerto USB. PVP Cepillo: 99€
Piensa en verde
Porque te gustan las plantas, porque crees que es importante el ahorro de agua o porque te gustan las verduras y las hierbas aromáticas frescas. Cualquier razón es buena para cultivar plantas sanas y hermosas en cualquier parte: en el patio, en la azotea, en la terraza de la cocina… El huerto urbano Bloomer, de Keter, es ideal para espacios reducidos y no requiere herramientas para montarlo.
Dispone de un semillero, para que los pequeños brotes estén cómodos y protegidos. Además, cuenta con un depósito donde se acumula el agua con un indicador en forma de hoja que te informa de la frecuencia de riego y gracias a su tapón de drenaje que ahorra el agua sobrante puedes recogerla y aprovecharla para otras macetas, porque está cargada de sales y minerales naturales. Bueno para el medioambiente y mejor para tus plantas. PVP: 69,95 €
Dos gadgets tecno
Si prefieres optar por algo práctico, pero que sean objetos de última generación, aquí van estas sugerencias que no deberían faltar en tu wishlist:
- Purificador de aire Espirare de SPC cuenta con un método de purificación en tres fases: el prefiltro, que absorbe grandes partículas, como polvo y pelo en suspensión; HEPA 13, un filtro de aire particulado de alta eficiencia para eliminar hasta el 99,95% de partículas dañinas y que filtra las partículas más pequeñas como polen, bacterias, ácaros u otros alérgenos; y el de carbón activado, que reduce y elimina los malos olores (tabaco, comida, humedad o mascotas) y humos en el aire. PVP: 149,90 €
- Calidum de SPC proporciona la calidez deseada en una habitación de entre 15 y 25 metros cuadrados gracias a los 2.000 vatios de consumo que ofrece. Además, ha sido diseñado con cuatro distintos sistemas de seguridad. Permite configurar con exactitud la temperatura deseada conseguir el máximo confort en la vivienda. El dispositivo se apaga automáticamente al llegar a la temperatura configurada, activándose de nuevo cuando detecta un descenso de la temperatura ambiente. También es posible, vía app, encender el calefactor a una hora fijada o cuando se abra una puerta, entre muchas más opciones o escenas. PVP: 79,90 €
Díselo con una canción personalizada
¿Quieres hacer un regalo diferente que emocione, enternezca, pero sobre todo, sea un recuerdo que perdure en el tiempo? Te compongo tu canción lo hace posible.
Solo debes hacerles llegar para quién es la canción, qué quieres y anécdotas e historias sobre esa persona. Seguidamente, con esa información te mandan el primer boceto con una melodía y letra única y exclusiva que se podrá modificar tantas veces desees hasta que la canción quede perfecta. Por último, una vez aprobado el boceto, se graba la canción de forma profesional y se hace entrega de la misma. PVP: desde 210 €
Equilibrio entre sostenibilidad y estilo
Cada vez más, los consumidores somos conscientes de la importancia de tomar decisiones sostenibles en nuestra vida diaria.
Liderando el camino con este compromiso con el reciclaje, Nespresso se ha asociado con la marca de bicicletas Vélosophy para producir una bicicleta elegante hecha de cápsulas de café de aluminio reciclado. El resultado es RE: CYCLE:, un modelo de edición limitada, diseñado para ilustrar el potencial del aluminio reciclable y motivar a los fanáticos de Nespresso a reciclar sus cápsulas.
Las bicicletas RE: CYCLE se pueden adquirir exclusivamente en la plataforma de comercio electrónico Vélosophy a un precio de 1.290 € más envío
Vive una experiencia foodie única
Y para la Gran Gala de Fin de Año, el Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I de Barcelona ofrece una fiesta inspirada en el surrealismo de Dalí, con una propuesta gastronómica diseñada por el chef Claudio Aguirre y su equipo. La cena se servirá en el salón Marenostrum del hotel y supone una explosión de sabores del mundo que incluye jamón ibérico de bellota, foie y sushi como aperitivo, y platos con nombres tan sugerentes como Les Diners de Gala, Huevo de Oro o Labios de fresas. Después de la cena, una fiesta con banda en directo y barra libre y, para acabar la noche y dar la bienvenida al año nuevo, un resopón en el bar B24 del mismo hotel.
Vive una experiencia foodie única
Y para la Gran Gala de Fin de Año, el Hotel Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I de Barcelona ofrece una fiesta inspirada en el surrealismo de Dalí, con una propuesta gastronómica diseñada por el chef Claudio Aguirre y su equipo. La cena se servirá en el salón Marenostrum del hotel y supone una explosión de sabores del mundo que incluye jamón ibérico de bellota, foie y sushi como aperitivo, y platos con nombres tan sugerentes como Les Diners de Gala, Huevo de Oro o Labios de fresas. Después de la cena, una fiesta con banda en directo y barra libre y, para acabar la noche y dar la bienvenida al año nuevo, un resopón en el bar B24 del mismo hotel.
Every year, the same question of what to give without always falling into the obvious or more useful gifts. Therefore, the fourth and last Christmas special post (and also the last one of the year in the blog) is dedicated so that you can take ideas with which to surprise your friends.
Does your hair despair? Do you wake up every day with a bad hair day? The perfect gift for the holiday season is the Hair Regenerating Brush, the new REDENHAIR product designed to curb hair loss and stimulate the development of hair follicles for healthy and strong hair growth. It acts by spreading a range of infrared (LED) emissions with a special wavelength design that is capable of improving blood circulation and accelerating metabolism.
It uses infrared (LED) and micro-vibrations that generate a massage to dose the regenerating liquid contained in the same brush towards the hair follicles. It is a wireless device and can be easily charged through a USB port. PVP Brush: € 99
Think green
Because you like plants, because you think water saving is important, or because you like fresh vegetables and herbs. Any reason is good for growing healthy and beautiful plants anywhere: on the patio, on the rooftop, on the kitchen terrace ... The urban garden Bloomer, Keter, is ideal for small spaces and does not require tools to assemble it.
It has a seedbed, so that your small shoots are comfortable and protected. In addition, it has a tank where the water accumulates with a leaf-shaped indicator that informs you of the frequency of irrigation and thanks to its drain plug that saves the, excess water you can collect and use it for other pots, because it is loaded of natural salts and minerals. Good for the environment and better for your plants. RRP: € 69.95
Two techno gadget
- Espirare air purifier of SPC has a three-stage purification method: the prefilter, which absorbs large particles, such as dust and hair in suspension; HEPA 13, a high efficiency particulate air filter to remove up to 99.95% of harmful particles and filters smaller particles such as pollen, bacteria, mites or other allergens; and activated carbon, which reduces and eliminates bad odors (tobacco, food, moisture or pets) and fumes in the air. RRP: € 149.90
- Calidum of SPC provides the desired warmth in a room between 15 and 25 square meters thanks to the 2,000 watts of consumption it offers. In addition, it has been designed with four different security systems. Allows you to set the desired temperature exactly to achieve maximum comfort in the home. The device automatically turns off when it reaches the set temperature, activating again when it detects a decrease in the ambient temperature. It is also possible, via app, to turn on the heater at a set time or when a door is opened, among many more options or scenes. RRP: € 79.90
Say it with a personalized song
Do you want to make a different gift that excites, tenderness, but above all, is a memory that lasts over time? I compose your song makes it possible.
You just have to let them know who the song is for, what you want and anecdotes and stories about that person. Then, with that information you send the first sketch with a melody and lyrics, unique and exclusive that can be modified as many times as you want until the song is perfect. Finally, once the sketch is approved, the song is recorded professionally and delivered. RRP: from 210 €
Balance between sustainability and style
Increasingly, consumers are aware of the importance of making sustainable decisions in our daily lives.
Leading the way with this commitment to recycling, Nespresso has partnered with the Vélosophy bicycle brand to produce an elegant bicycle made of recycled aluminum coffee capsules. The result is RE: CYCLE :, a limited edition model, designed to illustrate the potential of recyclable aluminum and motivate Nespresso fans to recycle their capsules.
RE: CYCLE bicycles can be purchased exclusively on the Vélosophy e-commerce platform, with a price of € 1,290 plus shipping
Live a unique foodie experience
And for the Grand New Year Gala, the Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Hotel in Barcelona offers a party inspired by Dalí's surrealism, with a gastronomic proposal designed by chef Claudio Aguirre and his team. Dinner will be served in the hotel's Marenostrum lounge and represents an explosion of world flavors that includes Iberian acorn-fed ham, foie and sushi as an appetizer, and dishes with such suggestive names as Les Diners de Gala, Golden Egg or Strawberry lips . After dinner, a party with live band and open bar and, to end the night and welcome the new year, a snort in the B24 bar of the same hotel.
For beauty lovers
Does your hair despair? Do you wake up every day with a bad hair day? The perfect gift for the holiday season is the Hair Regenerating Brush, the new REDENHAIR product designed to curb hair loss and stimulate the development of hair follicles for healthy and strong hair growth. It acts by spreading a range of infrared (LED) emissions with a special wavelength design that is capable of improving blood circulation and accelerating metabolism.
It uses infrared (LED) and micro-vibrations that generate a massage to dose the regenerating liquid contained in the same brush towards the hair follicles. It is a wireless device and can be easily charged through a USB port. PVP Brush: € 99
Think green
Because you like plants, because you think water saving is important, or because you like fresh vegetables and herbs. Any reason is good for growing healthy and beautiful plants anywhere: on the patio, on the rooftop, on the kitchen terrace ... The urban garden Bloomer, Keter, is ideal for small spaces and does not require tools to assemble it.
It has a seedbed, so that your small shoots are comfortable and protected. In addition, it has a tank where the water accumulates with a leaf-shaped indicator that informs you of the frequency of irrigation and thanks to its drain plug that saves the, excess water you can collect and use it for other pots, because it is loaded of natural salts and minerals. Good for the environment and better for your plants. RRP: € 69.95
Two techno gadget
If you prefer to opt for something practical, but that are last generation objects, here are these suggestions that should not be missing in your wishlist:
- Calidum of SPC provides the desired warmth in a room between 15 and 25 square meters thanks to the 2,000 watts of consumption it offers. In addition, it has been designed with four different security systems. Allows you to set the desired temperature exactly to achieve maximum comfort in the home. The device automatically turns off when it reaches the set temperature, activating again when it detects a decrease in the ambient temperature. It is also possible, via app, to turn on the heater at a set time or when a door is opened, among many more options or scenes. RRP: € 79.90
Say it with a personalized song
Do you want to make a different gift that excites, tenderness, but above all, is a memory that lasts over time? I compose your song makes it possible.
You just have to let them know who the song is for, what you want and anecdotes and stories about that person. Then, with that information you send the first sketch with a melody and lyrics, unique and exclusive that can be modified as many times as you want until the song is perfect. Finally, once the sketch is approved, the song is recorded professionally and delivered. RRP: from 210 €
Balance between sustainability and style
Increasingly, consumers are aware of the importance of making sustainable decisions in our daily lives.
Leading the way with this commitment to recycling, Nespresso has partnered with the Vélosophy bicycle brand to produce an elegant bicycle made of recycled aluminum coffee capsules. The result is RE: CYCLE :, a limited edition model, designed to illustrate the potential of recyclable aluminum and motivate Nespresso fans to recycle their capsules.
RE: CYCLE bicycles can be purchased exclusively on the Vélosophy e-commerce platform, with a price of € 1,290 plus shipping
Live a unique foodie experience
And for the Grand New Year Gala, the Fairmont Rey Juan Carlos I Hotel in Barcelona offers a party inspired by Dalí's surrealism, with a gastronomic proposal designed by chef Claudio Aguirre and his team. Dinner will be served in the hotel's Marenostrum lounge and represents an explosion of world flavors that includes Iberian acorn-fed ham, foie and sushi as an appetizer, and dishes with such suggestive names as Les Diners de Gala, Golden Egg or Strawberry lips . After dinner, a party with live band and open bar and, to end the night and welcome the new year, a snort in the B24 bar of the same hotel.
A unique opportunity to enjoy the last night of the year in a special way. The perfect gift for culinary art lovers.
Muy buenas compras!! Gracias por las ideas, un besito muy grande y feliz navidad!!
ResponderEliminarLa ilusión de Nina -
Unas ideas chulisimas!!besos
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Cuantas cosas asombrosas! Me gusta la bici!