Otro de los flechazos de moda por los que me he dejado seducir últimamente es la idea de que los bolsos guarden su propia esencia, en el sentido más literal de la palabra. La marca nacida en Barcelona especializada en bolsos y complementos de alta calidad, Tuset & Riera, acaba de lanzar la colección Essence de Cuir en la incorpora a su línea de bolsos un perfume propio, distinguido y exclusivo creado por el maestro perfumista Jimmy Boyd.
Se trata de la primera marca en el mercado que perfuma sus bolsos, siguiendo así una tradición renacentista muy romántica que merece la pena conocer. En la Francia del Renacimiento, cuando las pieles no estaban tan bien curtidas como ahora, éstas desprendan un olor muy fuerte y unido a la poca higiene del momento se convertía en un hedor insoportable. Galimard tuvo la maravillosa idea de regalar a Catalina de Medici, reina de Francia, unos guantes perfumados por una esencia creada en Grasse. Catalina, mujer de buen gusto le encantó el regalo. A partir de ese momento se paso a perfumar tanto guantes como otros complementos de piel, cinturones, bolsos.... para la corte y la nobleza de aquel entonces. La colección de bolsos Essence de Cuir llevan nombres de la familia Medici en honor a esta mujer tan innovadora.
Con esta colección, la firma Tuset & Riera ha conseguido que sus bolsos no solo se perciban y admiren a través de la vista y el tacto, sino también del olfato.
Another fashionable arrows that I seduced me lately is the idea that the bags keep its own essence, in the most literal sense of the word. The Barcelona-born brand bags and accessories specializing in high quality, Tuset & Riera, just released Essence de Cuir collection in line incorporates his own perfume bags, distinguished and exclusive created by master perfumer Jimmy Boyd.
It is the first brand in the market that perfumes your bags, following a tradition very romantic Renaissance worth knowing. In the France of the Renaissance, when the skins were not tanned as well as now, they give off a strong smell and joined the little hygiene moment became an unbearable stench. Galimard had the wonderful idea of giving Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, perfumed gloves for an essence created in Grasse. Catherine, wife loved tasteful gift. From that moment he became perfumed gloves much as other leather, belts, bags .... for the court and the nobility of the time. The Essence Collection Cuir bags are named after the Medici family in honor of this woman so innovative.
With this collection, the firm Tuset & Riera has made their bags not only perceive and admire through sight and touch, but also the smell.
It is the first brand in the market that perfumes your bags, following a tradition very romantic Renaissance worth knowing. In the France of the Renaissance, when the skins were not tanned as well as now, they give off a strong smell and joined the little hygiene moment became an unbearable stench. Galimard had the wonderful idea of giving Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, perfumed gloves for an essence created in Grasse. Catherine, wife loved tasteful gift. From that moment he became perfumed gloves much as other leather, belts, bags .... for the court and the nobility of the time. The Essence Collection Cuir bags are named after the Medici family in honor of this woman so innovative.
With this collection, the firm Tuset & Riera has made their bags not only perceive and admire through sight and touch, but also the smell.