Si hace unas semanas nos hubieran dicho que íbamos a vivir lo que estamos viviendo, no nos lo habríamos ni imaginado. Todo se ha ido precipitando y ahora lo que toca es adaptarse a las circunstancias actuales, ser solidario y responsable, respetando las medidas preventivas de confinamiento en domicilios implementadas por las autoridades sanitarias. A través de este post os quiero hacer llegar algunas iniciativas orientadas al bienestar que se han puesto en marcha para facilitar que tengamos una estancia lo más llevadera posible.
Aprende de belleza y sácate el máximo partido
Los centros de belleza Blauceldona han incorporado una Masterclass de belleza vía Skype impartida por Silvia Oliete, la prestigiosa facialista y directora de dichos centros. Esta masterclass, en la que se mostrará cómo aplicar todos los productos del ritual diario y semanal, pretende convertirse en un momento de relax donde se ofrecen consejos personalizados para mimar la piel.
Los productos a utilizar pueden ser los que se tengan en el domicilio. Por ejemplo, los básicos para esta sesión de una hora aproximadamente serían leche limpiadora, tónico, exfoliante, serum, crema, mascarilla y pantalla solar.
Aprenderás a cuidar tu piel paso a paso, resolverás tus dudas y conocerás cuál es tu mejor rutina de belleza. Reservas: Teléfono: 648 824 014.
Queda inaugurada la Miin Academy
Desde Miin Cosmetics han creado esta Academia para que después de este parón todas salgamos más fuertes y además sabiendo un poquito más. En ella, se contará con la participación de un grupo de profesionales de diferentes sectores que hablarán de temas diversos: ingredientes en cosmética, maquillaje, recetas, ilustración, fotografía... En su instagram @miincosmetics están organizando cápsulas formativas a través de vídeos de instagram directo:
-Martes 17: @Nuclear.Beauty, Amparo Violero. Bióloga, Product Controller & Technical person en MiiN Cosmetics hablará sobre los ingredientes más típicos de la cosmética coreana, cuáles son sus funciones y beneficios para la piel.
-Miércoles 18: @eatingpatterns, Vega Hernando. no solo ha logrado destacarse, sino que ha convertido su pasión por la gastronomía y la fotografía en un estudio creativo con el que ha generado contenidos y diseñado caterings, cenas privadas y todo tipo de experiencias para marcas de la talla de Estrella Damm o Adidas. Preparará un desayuno healthy.
Después vendrán otros contenidos de la mano de:
-@nananyawn, Clàudia Barea. Experta en Zero Waste y Slowfashion. Dará tips para llevar una vida más sostenible.
-@cosciencia, Raquel Marcos, Dra. en Química y autora del blog "Ciencia y cosmética”. Ella resolverá todas las dudas sobre los protectores solares.
-@s.a.n.t.a.m.a.r.i.n.a, Ana Santamarina, autora de la cuenta homónima. Máster en dermocosmética, información con evidencia científica. Experta en ácidos y cosmética minimalista. Contará todo lo que siempre quisimos saber sobre los ácidos.
-@laurabey_, Laura Bey, especialista formuladora de productos, tiene másters de química, formadora de química cosmética en sus cursos.
-@nasualua, Lorena Fernández. Fotógrafa profesional, trabaja para marcas y hace cursos en domestika. Enseñará a usar las mejores aplicaciones para editar fotografías en móvil y tener un instagram wow!
-@minibloggers, Gerogina Gerónimo. Ilustra dramas millenial. Te iniciará en el mundo de la ilustración.
El gimnasio en casa
De todos son conocidos los beneficios que el deporte o actividad física moderada de forma frecuente reporta a nuestra salud física y mental. Por ello, en Ictiva llevarán a cabo clases gratuitas en abierto para que aquellos que lo deseen puedan continuar su actividad deportiva en sus casas durante el periodo de confinamiento. El objetivo: impulsar y promover la actividad deportiva para continuar con la actividad física durante los días que debamos permanecer aislados.
Únicamente hay que entrar en Ictiva y registrarse o descargarse la app en iOS o Android y el usuario podrá acceder a más de 40 videosesiones gratuitas de diversas disciplinas.
Iníciate en el yoga
Down Dog es una de las aplicaciones más populares (y mejor valoradas: 4,9 sobre 5 en App Store). Destaca sobre todo por que es perfecta tanto para principiantes (ofrecen una introducción de tres días a la disciplina) como para los más avezados yoguis. Con sus 60.000 combinaciones de entrenamiento resulta imposible repetir la misma clase dos veces e incluye seis voces distintas de instructor para que cada usuario pueda elegir cuál le resulta más relajante o agradable. Además, acaban de anunciar que será gratuita hasta el 1 de abril para favorecer que cualquiera pueda practicar deporte desde casa en plena crisis por el coronavirus. Disponible en español.
If a few weeks ago we had been told that we were going to live what we are living, we would not have imagined it. Everything has gone very quickly and now it is time to adapt to current circumstances, be supportive and responsible, respecting the preventive measures of house confinement implemented by the health authorities. Through this post I want to send you some wellness-oriented initiatives that have been launched to make it easier for us to have a pleasant stay.
Learn about beauty and make the most of it
Blauceldona beauty centers have incorporated a Skype Masterclass by Silvia Oliete, the prestigious facialist and director of these centers. This masterclass, which will show how to apply all the products of the daily and weekly ritual, aims to become a moment of relaxation where personalized advice is offered to pamper the skin.
The products to be used can be those that are kept at home. For example, the basics for this session of approximately one hour would be cleansing milk, toner, scrub, serum, cream, mask and sunscreen.
You will learn to take care of your skin step by step, you will solve your doubts and you will know what is your best beauty routine. Reservations: Telephone: 648 824 014.
The Miin Academy is inaugurated
From Miin Cosmetics they have created this Academy so that after this break we all come out stronger and also knowing a little more. In it, there will be the participation of a group of professionals from different sectors who will discuss various topics: ingredients in cosmetics, makeup, recipes, illustration, photography ... On their instagram @miincosmetics they are organizing training capsules through videos of direct instagram:
-Tuesday 17: @ Nuclear.Beauty, Amparo Violero. Biologist, Product Controller & Technical person at MiiN Cosmetics will talk about the most typical ingredients in Korean cosmetics, what are their functions and benefits for the skin.
-Wednesday 18: @eatingpatterns, Vega Hernando. Not only has she managed to stand out, but she has turned her passion for gastronomy and photography into a creative studio with which she has generated content and designed caterings, private dinners and all kinds of experiences for brands such as Estrella Damm or Adidas. She will prepare a healthy breakfast.
Then other content will come from:
- @ nananyawn, Clàudia Barea. Expert in Zero Waste and Slowfashion. It will give tips to lead a more sustainable life.
- @ cosciencia, Raquel Marcos, Dra. in Chemistry and author of the blog "Science and cosmetics". She will solve all the doubts about sunscreens.
-@s.a.n.t.a.m.a.r.i.n.a, Ana Santamarina, author of the eponymous account. Master in dermocosmetics, information with scientific evidence. Expert in acids and minimalist cosmetics. She will tell everything we always wanted to know about acids.
- @ laurabey_, Laura Bey, product formulation specialist, has masters of chemistry, cosmetic chemistry trainer in her courses.
- @ nasualua, Lorena Fernández. Professional photographer, works for brands and takes courses at domestika. She will teach you to use the best applications to edit photos on mobile and have an instagram wow!
- @ minibloggers, Gerogina Gerónimo. Illustrates millennial dramas. She will initiate you into the world of illustration.
- @ cocolacoquette, Elisa Rodrigo. Creative communicator, who will teach how to design a travel journal.
The home gym
Everyone knows the benefits that sport or moderate physical activity frequently brings to our physical and mental health. Therefore, at Ictiva they will carry out free open classes so that those who wish can continue their sports activity at home during the period of confinement. The objective: to promote and promote sports activity to continue with physical activity during the days that we must remain isolated.
You only have to enter Ictiva and register or download the app on iOS or Android and the user will be able to access more than 40 free video sessions from various disciplines.
Get started in yoga
Down Dog is one of the most popular applications (and highest rated: 4.9 out of 5 on the App Store). It stands out above all because it is perfect for beginners (they offer a three-day introduction to the discipline) and for the most seasoned yogis. With its 60,000 training combinations it is impossible to repeat the same class twice and it includes six different instructor voices so that each user can choose which one is more relaxing or enjoyable. In addition, they have just announced that it will be free until April 1 to encourage anyone to play sports from home in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Available in Spanish.
Learn about beauty and make the most of it
Blauceldona beauty centers have incorporated a Skype Masterclass by Silvia Oliete, the prestigious facialist and director of these centers. This masterclass, which will show how to apply all the products of the daily and weekly ritual, aims to become a moment of relaxation where personalized advice is offered to pamper the skin.
The products to be used can be those that are kept at home. For example, the basics for this session of approximately one hour would be cleansing milk, toner, scrub, serum, cream, mask and sunscreen.
You will learn to take care of your skin step by step, you will solve your doubts and you will know what is your best beauty routine. Reservations: Telephone: 648 824 014.
The Miin Academy is inaugurated
From Miin Cosmetics they have created this Academy so that after this break we all come out stronger and also knowing a little more. In it, there will be the participation of a group of professionals from different sectors who will discuss various topics: ingredients in cosmetics, makeup, recipes, illustration, photography ... On their instagram @miincosmetics they are organizing training capsules through videos of direct instagram:
-Tuesday 17: @ Nuclear.Beauty, Amparo Violero. Biologist, Product Controller & Technical person at MiiN Cosmetics will talk about the most typical ingredients in Korean cosmetics, what are their functions and benefits for the skin.
-Wednesday 18: @eatingpatterns, Vega Hernando. Not only has she managed to stand out, but she has turned her passion for gastronomy and photography into a creative studio with which she has generated content and designed caterings, private dinners and all kinds of experiences for brands such as Estrella Damm or Adidas. She will prepare a healthy breakfast.
Then other content will come from:
- @ nananyawn, Clàudia Barea. Expert in Zero Waste and Slowfashion. It will give tips to lead a more sustainable life.
- @ cosciencia, Raquel Marcos, Dra. in Chemistry and author of the blog "Science and cosmetics". She will solve all the doubts about sunscreens.
-@s.a.n.t.a.m.a.r.i.n.a, Ana Santamarina, author of the eponymous account. Master in dermocosmetics, information with scientific evidence. Expert in acids and minimalist cosmetics. She will tell everything we always wanted to know about acids.
- @ laurabey_, Laura Bey, product formulation specialist, has masters of chemistry, cosmetic chemistry trainer in her courses.
- @ nasualua, Lorena Fernández. Professional photographer, works for brands and takes courses at domestika. She will teach you to use the best applications to edit photos on mobile and have an instagram wow!
- @ minibloggers, Gerogina Gerónimo. Illustrates millennial dramas. She will initiate you into the world of illustration.
- @ cocolacoquette, Elisa Rodrigo. Creative communicator, who will teach how to design a travel journal.
The home gym
Everyone knows the benefits that sport or moderate physical activity frequently brings to our physical and mental health. Therefore, at Ictiva they will carry out free open classes so that those who wish can continue their sports activity at home during the period of confinement. The objective: to promote and promote sports activity to continue with physical activity during the days that we must remain isolated.
You only have to enter Ictiva and register or download the app on iOS or Android and the user will be able to access more than 40 free video sessions from various disciplines.
Get started in yoga
Down Dog is one of the most popular applications (and highest rated: 4.9 out of 5 on the App Store). It stands out above all because it is perfect for beginners (they offer a three-day introduction to the discipline) and for the most seasoned yogis. With its 60,000 training combinations it is impossible to repeat the same class twice and it includes six different instructor voices so that each user can choose which one is more relaxing or enjoyable. In addition, they have just announced that it will be free until April 1 to encourage anyone to play sports from home in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. Available in Spanish.
Me encantan todas estas iniciativas, ¡gracias por compartirlas! ¡Feliz fin de semana!