La artesanía es el nuevo lujo, piezas únicas ya que no están hechas con máquinas y cada una posee atributos diferentes aunque hayan sido realizadas por las mismas manos. Así son los diseños que lleva a cabo Zahati. Procedente desde hace ya varias generaciones a Gata de Gorgos un pequeño pueblo alicantino donde se mantiene la tradición y es un referente en la artesanía de fibras vegetales gracias a su entorno natural.
Uno de sus grandes valores es la sostenibilidad. Su material principal es la paja de trigo la cual conlleva un trabajo previo de trenzado a mano muy exhaustivo además haber escogido previamente la de mejor calidad y seleccionarla por calibres y tonalidades. Los tintes empleados (disponen de una carta de 15 colores) son todos vegetales y hechos a base de frutas y plantas. Esta forma de elaborar los tintes al igual que todo el proceso de confección de sus diseños se ha mantenido inalterable transmitiéndose de generación en generación.
Zahati presenta una colección al año a la cual van incorporando nuevos modelos. En ellas podemos encontrar todo tipo de complementos, sombreros, bolsos, joyas de fibras naturales y lo más reciente: piezas de fibras naturales decorativas para el hogar.
Dedicación y calidad irrepetible, sus piezas representan el auténtico eco-lujo, un lujo tradicional y a la vez sostenible.
Crafts are the new luxury, unique pieces since they are not made with machines and each one has different attributes although they have been made by the same hands. Such are the designs that Zahati carries out. Coming from several generations ago to Gata de Gorgos a small town in Alicante where tradition is maintained and is a benchmark in the crafts of vegetable fibers thanks to its natural environment.
In Zahati they bet on creations that last over time and maintain their essence without following trends, since artisan work must be slow contrary to what happens with today's trends. For this reason, they prefer that their pieces have stories to tell or as they themselves define it "to create eternal trends, not ephemeral"
One of its great values is sustainability. Its main material is wheat straw, which entails a very exhaustive previous hand-braiding work, as well as having previously chosen the best quality and selecting it by sizes and colors. The dyes used (they have a 15-color card) are all vegetables and made from fruits and plants. This way of making the dyes, as well as the entire process of making their designs, has remained unchanged, being passed down from generation to generation.
Zahati presents a collection a year to which they are incorporating new models. In them we can find all kinds of accessories, hats, bags, natural fiber jewelry and the latest: pieces of natural decorative fibers for the home.
Dedication and unrepeatable quality, their pieces represent true eco-luxury, a traditional and sustainable luxury.
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