Factores como el sol, el cloro, la sal o la humedad son solo algunos de los grandes enemigos de nuestro pelo en verano. Por eso, antes de exponernos a ellos es momento de plantearse como protegerlo y así poder lucir una melena sana y cuidada también durante las vacaciones estivales.
En Ananda Ferdi apuestan por dos tratamientos especialmente diseñados para evitar el encrespamiento y potenciar el alisado del cabello:
El tratamiento estrella para eliminar el efecto frizz, alisar el cabello de manera natural y reducir el volumen de la melena. Contiene una mezcla de ácido orgánico, extracto de fruta, como la manzana, tamarindo, seda y leche de cañas de azúcar. Hidrata y nutre profundamente el cabello dejándolo manejable y sin rastro de encrespamiento. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
No contiene formol y el cabello no se rompe. Deja el cabello manejable, brillante y con más volumen ya que rellena la cutícula del cabello haciendo que tenga el mismo grosor desde la raíz hasta la punta. Consigue excelentes resultados en rubias y cabellos previamente alisados con otros métodos.
Tratamiento Alhelí
Recupera los cabellos quemados y/o encrespados y rejuvenece las melenas envejecidas. Ofrece también un excelente resultado en rubias y cabellos previamente alisados con otros métodos, actúa reforzando y tratando las estructuras naturales del cabello y logra un brillo y suavidad intensos.
Siguiendo la filosofía de este salon, tanto sus tratamientos como los productos que utilizan son naturales, libres de parabenos y sulfatos y respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Además, aseguran que quienes los prueban repiten.
Factors such as sun, chlorine, salt or humidity are some of the great enemies of our hair in summer. Therefore, before exposing ourselves to them, it is time to consider how to protect it and thus be able to show off a healthy and well-groomed mane also during the summer holidays.
At Ananda Ferdi they are committed to two treatments specially designed to prevent frizz and enhance hair straightening:
Rosa Damascena vegan treatment
The star treatment to eliminate the frizz effect, straighten hair naturally and reduce the volume of the mane. It contains a mixture of organic acid, fruit extract, such as apple, tamarind, silk and milk from sugar cane. Deeply hydrates and nourishes hair, leaving it manageable and without a trace of frizz. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It does not contain formaldehyde and the hair does not break. Leaves hair manageable, shiny and with more volume as it fills the hair cuticle making it the same thickness from root to tip. Get excellent results on blondes and hair previously smoothed with other methods.
Wallflower Treatment
Recovers burned and / or frizzy hair and rejuvenates aging manes. It also offers an excellent result on blondes and hair previously smoothed with other methods, works to strengthen and treat the natural structures of the hair and achieves an intense shine and softness.
Following the philosophy of this salon, both its treatments and the products they use are natural, free of parabens and sulfates and respectful with the environment. In addition, they ensure that those who try them repeat.
At Ananda Ferdi they are committed to two treatments specially designed to prevent frizz and enhance hair straightening:
Rosa Damascena vegan treatment
The star treatment to eliminate the frizz effect, straighten hair naturally and reduce the volume of the mane. It contains a mixture of organic acid, fruit extract, such as apple, tamarind, silk and milk from sugar cane. Deeply hydrates and nourishes hair, leaving it manageable and without a trace of frizz. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It does not contain formaldehyde and the hair does not break. Leaves hair manageable, shiny and with more volume as it fills the hair cuticle making it the same thickness from root to tip. Get excellent results on blondes and hair previously smoothed with other methods.
Wallflower Treatment
Recovers burned and / or frizzy hair and rejuvenates aging manes. It also offers an excellent result on blondes and hair previously smoothed with other methods, works to strengthen and treat the natural structures of the hair and achieves an intense shine and softness.
Following the philosophy of this salon, both its treatments and the products they use are natural, free of parabens and sulfates and respectful with the environment. In addition, they ensure that those who try them repeat.
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