Barceló Imagine, el primer hotel musical de Madrid, ya tiene todo preparado para abrir al público su Sky Lounge en el que acogerá a partir de hoy y durante todo el verano, Live the Roof, una serie de conciertos con los que disfrutar de la música en un escenario único y de altura.
El concierto que servirá para inaugurar hoy el festival viene de la mano del famoso cantautor Mikel Erentxun. Otros de los músicos llamados a participar en lo que muy pronto promete convertirse en el plan imprescindible de este verano son: Rulo (22 de junio), La Habitación Roja (21 de julio), El Kanka (16 de agosto) ¡y muchos más!
Todos los que tengan la oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia musical podrán también deleitarse contemplando las estrellas desde un rincón de Madrid, mientras prueban los refrescantes e imaginativos cócteles acompañados de deliciosos aperitivos.
Para más información de fechas y entradas de Live the Roof, puedes visitar su web.
Barceló Imagine, the first musical hotel in Madrid, already has everything ready to open its Sky Lounge to the public, where it will host, starting today and throughout the summer, Live the Roof, a series of concerts with which to enjoy music in a unique and high stage.
The concert that will serve to inaugurate the festival today comes from the hand of the famous singer-songwriter Mikel Erentxun. Other musicians called to participate in what promises to become the essential plan for this summer are: Rulo (June 22), The Red Room (July 21), The Kanka (August 16) and many more!
All those who have the opportunity to experience this musical experience can also enjoy contemplating the stars from a corner of Madrid, while tasting the refreshing and imaginative cocktails accompanied by delicious appetizers.
For more information on Live the Roof dates and tickets, you can visit its website.
Barceló Imagine, the first musical hotel in Madrid, already has everything ready to open its Sky Lounge to the public, where it will host, starting today and throughout the summer, Live the Roof, a series of concerts with which to enjoy music in a unique and high stage.
The concert that will serve to inaugurate the festival today comes from the hand of the famous singer-songwriter Mikel Erentxun. Other musicians called to participate in what promises to become the essential plan for this summer are: Rulo (June 22), The Red Room (July 21), The Kanka (August 16) and many more!
All those who have the opportunity to experience this musical experience can also enjoy contemplating the stars from a corner of Madrid, while tasting the refreshing and imaginative cocktails accompanied by delicious appetizers.
For more information on Live the Roof dates and tickets, you can visit its website.
Qué pasada de concepto para un hotel! Seguro que me paso
Mónica Sors
Que sitio tan chulo
Qué propuesta tan chulísima!
ResponderEliminarUn besito guapa
Gracias por descubrirnos tantos lugares y tantos planes en Madrid. Para mi tu blog es un referente ;)
ResponderEliminarUn besazo.
Que sitio tan chulo!
ResponderEliminarGracias por el descubrimiento!
Mil besos!
I really like your blog post!
ResponderEliminarI had to translate what you write because my language is Polish
but you write fanatically and want to read :)
if you have a moment, I invite you to my blog:
Kisses from Poland :*
Looks like a really nice and cool place.
Una propuesta maravillosa. Besos
Ideal 💘
ResponderEliminarQue sitio más chulo
Wow que pasada de sitio, me encanta. Gracias por recomendarnoslo, tomo nota.