Uno de los alicientes que ofrece el verano, dejando aparte por supuesto las vacaciones, es la posibilidad de salir y disfrutar del buen tiempo que nos brindan estos meses. Debido a ello, no pueden faltar un montón de propuestas diseñadas a la medida de todos los gustos. Aquí van algunos planes que puedes incluir en tu agenda de eventos estivales.
Música clásica bajo las estrellas
Hasta el 30 junio tendrá lugar la II edición del Festival de Verano Excelentia que llenará de música clásica las noches de verano en Madrid. Este festival, patrocinado por la marca de cosmética Sisley y los Laboratorios Lamberts, se desarrolla al aire libre en los Jardines del Palacete Duques de Pastrana. Este año el festival se compone de 5 conciertos, con música clásica variada para todos los públicos, desde la Novena de Beethoven, el Concierto de Aranjuez o una selección de las mejores bandas sonoras del cine.
Además, después de cada concierto, el público podrá disfrutar de un “coctel cena” en la que se servirán variados y sabrosos productos fríos, calientes, postres y variedad de bebidas.
Viajar con el paladar
La terraza del exclusivo multiespacio madrileño, RAMSES.LIFE, acoge todos los domingos un brunch viajero, que cambia mensualmente de destino: Cuba, Ibiza, México, Escandinavia…La iniciativa, que podrá disfrutarse hasta finales de año (excepto las tres primeras semanas de agosto), pretende acercar al público las diferentes cocinas del mundo incorporando los bocados y las bebidas más populares de su gastronomía.
Cada brunch contará con ambientación propia del país de destino y música en directo de manera ininterrumpida. La variada propuesta gastronómica girará en torno al recetario del país anfitrión, siempre versionado en formato brunch, de forma que el cliente pueda probar diferentes especialidades.
Campamento de niños
Ya sea una comunión, una ocasión familiar especial o un cumpleaños, los espacios de Gran Meliá Fénix se transforman para los más pequeños en un campamento de lujo en el que jugar y hospedarse en tipis. El plato fuerte para los niños viene tras esta celebración en familia, cuando se trasladan a una suite del hotel, acondicionadas a modo de pijama party en un país imaginario.
Tras la entrega de una llave de entrada a la suite, los niños se encuentran con tipis personalizados con la palabra suite y el nombre de cada invitado. Allí podrán disfrutar de un festival de dulces y cupcakes. Durante el evento los pequeños contarán con su propia maleta de viaje con pijama, atenciones especiales como una camarera de piso que les puede atender exclusivamente realizando las coberturas de esta minisuite, además de los servicios de cuidadores y animadores. La experiencia también permite muchas personalizaciones, como añadirle flores, globos, antifaces, neceseres, albornoces, distintas llaves, doseles, botes de chucherías, candy bar, repostería....
Unido a la experiencia Camp Suite, Gran Meliá Fénix ofrece una variada propuesta de talleres y eventos para niños con montajes personalizados y adaptados a cada necesidad. Desde un divertido set de cocina para aprender a elaborar cupcakes y pizza, pasando a los didácticos talleres de experimentos y robótica, en los que la imaginación se une a la ciencia y la tecnología. Las más coquetas se divertirán en el spa, montado con todos los detalles, incluye zona de manicura y pedicura y make-up.
Todo sobre el country
Huercasa Country Festival nace hace cinco años con la clara vocación de ser diferente, fundamentalmente por sus tres parámetros esenciales: Vida sana, mundo rural y música de raíces norteamericanas, especialmente, country music, que simboliza la vida en el campo a nivel mundial.
En su quinta edición que se celebrará los próximos 6, 7 y 8 de julio en Riaza (Segovia), Steve Earle & The Dukes y John Hiatt & The Goners featuring Sonny Landreth, serán cabezas de cartel junto a John Hiatt & The Goners, incluyendo al legendario guitarrista Sonny Landreth. Como en ediciones anteriores, junto a los conciertos que se celebran en la tarde-noche de viernes y sábado en el campo de fútbol municipal Las Delicias de Riaza, se mantendrán las actividades paralelas que tanto sabor y ambiente dan al festival segoviano. En esta edición, las actividades infantiles vuelven a tener una gran importancia. Huercasa quiere mantener el carácter familiar de su festival y por ello ofrece, un año más, entrada gratuita a los menores de 16 años, siempre que vayan acompañados de un adulto.
En su quinta edición que se celebrará los próximos 6, 7 y 8 de julio en Riaza (Segovia), Steve Earle & The Dukes y John Hiatt & The Goners featuring Sonny Landreth, serán cabezas de cartel junto a John Hiatt & The Goners, incluyendo al legendario guitarrista Sonny Landreth. Como en ediciones anteriores, junto a los conciertos que se celebran en la tarde-noche de viernes y sábado en el campo de fútbol municipal Las Delicias de Riaza, se mantendrán las actividades paralelas que tanto sabor y ambiente dan al festival segoviano. En esta edición, las actividades infantiles vuelven a tener una gran importancia. Huercasa quiere mantener el carácter familiar de su festival y por ello ofrece, un año más, entrada gratuita a los menores de 16 años, siempre que vayan acompañados de un adulto.
Helados tailandeses
Rolls & Co es una nueva experiencia de saborear helado que tuvo su inicio en 2015. Un novedoso concepto de heladería basado en una técnica procedente de Tailandia cuyo producto estrella, los Rolls, son helados elaborados delante del cliente sobre una plancha fría que alcanza los -30ºC mezclando la base de helado elegida entre las tres disponibles con fruta fresca o galleta también escogidos por el cliente. Todo en un tiempo inferior a los dos minutos.
De forma gradual se han ido incorporando nuevos productos, desde el Smoothie cien por cien personalizable con bases de vainilla, yogur y soja, hasta el novedoso Waffle Roll, un derivado del gofre de llamativo aspecto totalmente personalizable.
One of the incentives offered by the summer, apart from holidays, is the possibility to go out and enjoy the good weather that these months offer us. Due to this, you can not miss a lot of elements created to suit all tastes. Here are some plans that you can include in your agenda of summer events.
Classical music under the stars
Until June 30 will be the 2nd edition of the Summer Festival Excelentia that will fill classical music summer nights in Madrid. This festival, sponsored by the cosmetics brand Sisley and Lamberts Laboratories, takes place outdoors in the Gardens of the Palace Duques de Pastrana. This year the festival consists of 5 concerts, with classical music varied for all audiences, from the Beethoven Novena, the Concierto de Aranjuez or a selection of the best film soundtracks.
In addition, after each concert, the public can enjoy a "cocktail dinner" in which they will serve varied and tasty cold and hot products, desserts and a variety of drinks.
More information and ticket sales here.
Travel with the palate
The terrace of the exclusive multispace Madrid, RAMSES.LIFE, hosts every Sunday a traveler brunch, changing monthly destination: Cuba, Ibiza, Mexico, Scandinavia ... The initiative, which can be enjoyed until the end of the year (except the first three weeks of August), says to bring to the public the different cuisines of the world incorporating snacks and the most popular drinks of its cuisine.
Each brunch has its own setting of the country of destination and live music in an uninterrupted manner. The varied gastronomic offer revolves around the recipe book of the country, always versioned in brunch format, so that the client can try different specialties.
Children's camp
Whether it is a communion, a special family occasion or a birthday, Gran Meliá Fénix spaces are transformed for the little ones into a luxury camp where they can play and stay in tepees. The main course for children comes after this family celebration, when they move to a hotel suite, a party is prepared in an imaginary country.
After the delivery of a key to the suite, the children find personalized gifts with the word suite and the name of each guest. There they can only enjoy a festival of sweets and cupcakes. During the event, the children will have their own travel account with priority, special attentions such as a chambermaid who may not receive more attention doing the coverage of this minisuite, in addition to the services of caregivers and animators. The experience also allows many customizations, such as flowers, balloons, masks, toiletry bags, bathrobes, keys, canopies, jars of candy, chocolate bar, pastry ....
Coupled with the Camp Suite experience, Gran Meliá Fénix offers a varied proposal of workshops and events for children with personalized settings adapted to every need. From a fun kitchen set to learning how to make cupcakes and pizza, to workshops on experiments and robotics, where imagination joins science and technology. The most flirtatious will have fun in the spa, with all the details, including manicure and pedicure and makeup area.
All about country
Huercasa Country Festival has made five years with the clear vocation to be different, for its three essential aspects: Healthy living, rural world and music of the Americas, especially, country music, which symbolizes life in the field worldwide.
In its fifth edition that will be held next July 6, 7 and 8 in Riaza (Segovia), Steve Earle & The Dukes and John Hiatt & The Goners presenting Sonny Landreth, they will be headliners with John Hiatt & The Goners , including the legendary guitarist Sonny Landreth. As in previous editions, along with the concerts that are held in the afternoon and evening of Friday and Saturday at the Las Delicias municipal soccer field in Riaza, the parallel activities that give so much flavor and atmosphere to the Segovian festival are maintained. In this edition, children's activities once again have great importance. Huercasa wants to maintain the family character of its festival and therefore offers, one more year, free admission to children under 16, provided they are accompanied by an adult.
Thai ice cream
Rolls & Co is a new ice cream experience that started in 2015. A new ice cream concept based on a technique from Thailand whose star product, the Rolls, are ice cream made by the customer on a cold plate that reaches the - 30ºC mixing the ice cream base chosen among the three available with fresh fruit or biscuit also chosen by the client. All in a time less than two minutes.
Gradually, new products have been incorporated, from the one hundred per cent Smoothie customizable with vanilla, yogurt and soy bases, to the new Waffle Roll, a watertight derivative with a totally customizable appearance.
One of the incentives offered by the summer, apart from holidays, is the possibility to go out and enjoy the good weather that these months offer us. Due to this, you can not miss a lot of elements created to suit all tastes. Here are some plans that you can include in your agenda of summer events.
Classical music under the stars
Until June 30 will be the 2nd edition of the Summer Festival Excelentia that will fill classical music summer nights in Madrid. This festival, sponsored by the cosmetics brand Sisley and Lamberts Laboratories, takes place outdoors in the Gardens of the Palace Duques de Pastrana. This year the festival consists of 5 concerts, with classical music varied for all audiences, from the Beethoven Novena, the Concierto de Aranjuez or a selection of the best film soundtracks.
In addition, after each concert, the public can enjoy a "cocktail dinner" in which they will serve varied and tasty cold and hot products, desserts and a variety of drinks.
More information and ticket sales here.
Travel with the palate
The terrace of the exclusive multispace Madrid, RAMSES.LIFE, hosts every Sunday a traveler brunch, changing monthly destination: Cuba, Ibiza, Mexico, Scandinavia ... The initiative, which can be enjoyed until the end of the year (except the first three weeks of August), says to bring to the public the different cuisines of the world incorporating snacks and the most popular drinks of its cuisine.
Each brunch has its own setting of the country of destination and live music in an uninterrupted manner. The varied gastronomic offer revolves around the recipe book of the country, always versioned in brunch format, so that the client can try different specialties.
Children's camp
Whether it is a communion, a special family occasion or a birthday, Gran Meliá Fénix spaces are transformed for the little ones into a luxury camp where they can play and stay in tepees. The main course for children comes after this family celebration, when they move to a hotel suite, a party is prepared in an imaginary country.
After the delivery of a key to the suite, the children find personalized gifts with the word suite and the name of each guest. There they can only enjoy a festival of sweets and cupcakes. During the event, the children will have their own travel account with priority, special attentions such as a chambermaid who may not receive more attention doing the coverage of this minisuite, in addition to the services of caregivers and animators. The experience also allows many customizations, such as flowers, balloons, masks, toiletry bags, bathrobes, keys, canopies, jars of candy, chocolate bar, pastry ....
Coupled with the Camp Suite experience, Gran Meliá Fénix offers a varied proposal of workshops and events for children with personalized settings adapted to every need. From a fun kitchen set to learning how to make cupcakes and pizza, to workshops on experiments and robotics, where imagination joins science and technology. The most flirtatious will have fun in the spa, with all the details, including manicure and pedicure and makeup area.
All about country
Huercasa Country Festival has made five years with the clear vocation to be different, for its three essential aspects: Healthy living, rural world and music of the Americas, especially, country music, which symbolizes life in the field worldwide.
In its fifth edition that will be held next July 6, 7 and 8 in Riaza (Segovia), Steve Earle & The Dukes and John Hiatt & The Goners presenting Sonny Landreth, they will be headliners with John Hiatt & The Goners , including the legendary guitarist Sonny Landreth. As in previous editions, along with the concerts that are held in the afternoon and evening of Friday and Saturday at the Las Delicias municipal soccer field in Riaza, the parallel activities that give so much flavor and atmosphere to the Segovian festival are maintained. In this edition, children's activities once again have great importance. Huercasa wants to maintain the family character of its festival and therefore offers, one more year, free admission to children under 16, provided they are accompanied by an adult.
Thai ice cream
Rolls & Co is a new ice cream experience that started in 2015. A new ice cream concept based on a technique from Thailand whose star product, the Rolls, are ice cream made by the customer on a cold plate that reaches the - 30ºC mixing the ice cream base chosen among the three available with fresh fruit or biscuit also chosen by the client. All in a time less than two minutes.
Gradually, new products have been incorporated, from the one hundred per cent Smoothie customizable with vanilla, yogurt and soy bases, to the new Waffle Roll, a watertight derivative with a totally customizable appearance.
Desde luego no falta de nada...un saludo desde Murcia....
ResponderEliminarEl post es maravilloso
ResponderEliminarBesos y feliz martes
Great post! <3
ResponderEliminarPara todos los gustos!!!
Cuantos planes! Los helados seguro que los pruebo ;)
ResponderEliminarUn besazo.
Genial el post. Besos
Una autentica maravilla!!besos
ResponderEliminarGreat Inspiration! Thank you :)
Un post muy interesante, para todos los gustos!!! Besos
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Muchos planes :)
ResponderEliminarque buena pinta los helados !! :)
ResponderEliminarMe han encantado todas las ideas y sugerencias que nos das!!
ResponderEliminarMe apunto alguna
Unos planes geniales y para todos los gustoos. Me encanta! :)
que planazos! por cierto, yo quiero uno de esos helados...hmmmmm
ResponderEliminarun beso tesoro!